Start with Data

We Help You Make Faster, Smarter And Better-Informed Decisions With Data.

Kastor Data Lakehouse

Our Services

We Help Organizations Make Sense of Their Data

Managed Data, Custom Insights, Tangible Growth

Managed Analytics

Our Managed Analytics services deliver actionable insights without the hassle.

Generative AI

Embed Generative AI into Your Enterprise Applications

Machine Learning Consulting

Harness ML to Increase Efficiency and Gain a Competitive Advantage

Business Intelligence Consulting

Enable Data-Driven Decisions Across Your Business

Data Architecture Consulting

Create a Solid Foundation for Effectively Managing Data

Data Architecture Consulting

Create a solid foundation for effectively managing data.

Data Science Consulting

Enable data-driven decisions across your business.

Machine Learning Consulting

Harness ML to increase efficiency and gain a competitive advantage

Managed Analytics

Our Managed Analytics services deliver actionable insights without the hassle.


Who We Serve

At Ruffin Galactic, we empower organizations across various sectors to harness the transformative power of data. Our deep expertise in Data Architecture Consulting, Data Science & Analytics, and Machine Learning makes us the strategic partner of choice for


Forward-thinking enterprises partner with us to leverage data for strategic advantage, streamlining operations, driving innovation, and fostering data-driven decision-making.

Local, State, and Municipal Governments:

We are a registered federal contractor. Our solutions enhance operational efficiency, improve public services, and ensure data compliance, enabling these entities to serve their communities and stakeholders more effectively.

SaaS Companies:

We build and optimize data architectures for SaaS providers, focusing on performance, scalability, and security to support rapid growth and innovation.


Who We Serve

At Ruffin Galactic, we empower organizations across various sectors to harness the transformative power of data. Our deep expertise in Data Architecture Consulting, Data Science & Analytics, and Machine Learning makes us the strategic partner of choice for


Forward-thinking enterprises partner with us to leverage data for strategic advantage, streamlining operations, driving innovation, and fostering data-driven decision-making.

Local, State, and Municipal Governments:

We are a registered federal contractor. Our solutions enhance operational efficiency, improve public services, and ensure data compliance, enabling these entities to serve their communities and stakeholders more effectively.

SaaS Companies:

We build and optimize data architectures for SaaS providers, focusing on performance, scalability, and security to support rapid growth and innovation.


Unlocking Your Data's Potential

Ruffin Galactic Helps Clients Harness The Power Of Data In Their Operations. Driving Growth, Improving Efficiency, Predicting Better Outcomes All Begin With Asking The Right Questions. We Build Customized Solutions With Your Data Assets That Meet Your Organization’s Unique Needs.


Ways To Work With Us

Kickstart your data journey with an in-depth Analytics Strategy Session. Our team will conduct an advisory assessment tailored to your organization's specific analytic needs.


Advising on data and machine learning initiatives

Project Work

Projects defined by time, budget, data, team schedule

Managed Analytics

Our "done for you" solution. Ongoing managed analytics in hourly packages.

Get Started Today